A World Without Photosynthesis


process of photosynthesis

1.It is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bond of sugar

2.This process occurs in plants and some algea.

3.Plant need only light energyC02,andH20 to make sugar.

4.It takes place in the chloroplasts specifically using chlorophyll ,the green pigment involved in photosynthesis.

5.It takes place primarily in plant leaves,and little to none occurs in stem ,etc,the parts of typical leaf mduding the upper and lower epidermis


importance of photosynthesis

1.to give us oxygen

2.The plant can make food

3.To give us vegetables to eat

4.It increases biomass for the biosphre

5.To create 02 to use up C02 to create glucose which is  chemical energy

6.To give the carbon dioxide we exhale to plants


